HVAC控制行業的早期報告表明,新Fluke 772和773毫安級過程鉗形表可能會改變游戲規則,為該領域的技術人員開辟一片新天地。憑借這些儀表提供的功能組合,現代化控制系統中常見故障的診斷變得輕而易舉。
校準有助于確保測量值準確,這是確保我們日常生活質量和安全的基礎。作為一名校準專業人員,其他工作的順利開展有賴于您正確地執行校準。我們在此提供有關各種校準主題的文章,以為您提供幫助。其中包括新的校準技術、各種校準工具的使用、不同環境下的校準等等。無論您要校準溫度、壓力、電氣、射頻 (RF)、流量、濕度還是軟件,我們的目標都是,幫助您每次都獲得精準的結果。
HVAC控制行業的早期報告表明,新Fluke 772和773毫安級過程鉗形表可能會改變游戲規則,為該領域的技術人員開辟一片新天地。憑借這些儀表提供的功能組合,現代化控制系統中常見故障的診斷變得輕而易舉。
Explore analysis of high-frequency error sources in oscilloscope calibration. Gather insights into the causes, impacts, and methods to mitigate these errors to enhance your accuracy.
Calibration standards are devices that are compared against less accurate devices to verify the performance of the less accurate devices.
Get 7 free measurement uncertainty training materials including videos, webinars, & articles. Fluke also offers a paid, online course for deeper knowledge.
In metrology, what do you do when your curve-fitting software program doesn’t work because you’re dealing with a non-linear equation? Learn here.
Fluke experts show you how to calibrate a pressure rotameter including a step-by-step rotameter calibration procedure, calibration curve, and tips.
It is becoming my opinion that ISO 17025 needs to be revised. This is the first of a series of blog posts that I will be making to demonstrate why the revision needs to be made.
Another NCSLI conference is in the books. This year, the metrology faithful (and budget funded!) once again gathered to gain knowledge through tutorials and technical presentations, contribute to the industry through attendance of committee meetings, talk to vendors at the exhibition, network with some of the world’s experts in metrology and spend time with old friends. There were so many great things happening that I didn’t even have time to compose a single tweet!
Discover Fluke resources on how & why to prevent contamination in pressure calibration including videos, webinars, and blog posts. Learn more here.
Should you bring humidity measurement and calibration in house? Learn to answer this question from the perspective of ROI, requirements, and workload.
This video includes reminiscences from Fluke and Fluke Calibration associates who remember what it was like to work at Fluke ”back in the day.”
The triple point of argon (83.8058 K ) is one of the most commonly used fixed points for the calibration of standard platinum resistance thermometers (SPRTs) at temperatures below 273.16 K. It’s a defining fixed point of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Fluke Calibration recently designed a new Triple Point of argon system with the goal in mind of achieving both efficiency and accuracy in calibrating SPRTs.
Read more about why you a pressure controller/calibrator fits the needs of your pressure calibration calibrator and watch our vide about the 6270A Pressure Controller/Calibrator.
Consider if your company would be best served by specifying traceability to the SI instead of to your local NMI.
Whether you’re speaking to a small group of colleagues at your company or a group of professionals at MSC or NCSLI, here are some tips to help you succeed – and perhaps even enjoy your experience as a public speaker.
In this article, electrical calibration expert Marty Kidd explains why someone needs this type of product. He also explains why owners of an old Fluke 5790A should consider moving up to a new 5790B.
In 2012, the Association of German Engineers developed VDI/VDE-2623, which defines and establishes a Calibration Data Exchange Format. VDI/VDE-2623 establishes a rigid Extensible Markup Language (XML) data structure with both required and optional fields
If you are currently outsourcing or turning away pressure calibration business, you may be doing so unnecessarily. The barriers to enter the pressure calibration business can be overcome fairly easily.
While there’s no “one size fits all” answer, see this post for helpful guidelines on how often you should calibrate thermometers, test equipment, multimeters, etc.
How do you choose a multi-product electrical calibrator? They are not all the same. Read this short blog post to learn seven essential points to consider.
What is a thermocouple? How does a thermocouple work? Why do thermocouples need to be calibrated?
What knocks a digital instrument out of calibration? Learn about the 3 main causes of calibration problems: component shift, drops & overloads.
Both analog & digital process gauges need to be regularly verified. See the options for verifying in the field or at the bench & the steps to follow.
See 5 ways to ensure precise measurements in oil & gas custody transfer & see how one calibrator can calibrate the involved pressure & temperature transmitters.
The purpose of this paper is to truthfully answer various questions one might have with regard to resistance bridges and readouts after reading some of the sales hype arguing that AC is better than DC or vice versa
A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) is a thermometer constructed from a high purity platinum element (wire-wound coil or thin film) placed in a tube of metal or glass and sealed with an inert atmosphere and/or mineral insulator.
Why calibrate test equipment? What makes it go out of cal? What happens when you send equipment for calibration? When should you calibrate? Learn here.
If you are purchasing a calibrator to calibrate pressure measurement devices, follow these 2 simple steps to ensure you get what you need.
See why Roger Pineche, Director of Engineering at Fluke, says the new 8588A and 8558A are the best benchtop multimeters in terms of stability & accuracy.
Pressure calibration can be challenging in the best of environments. Working in an area that has the potential for explosion takes the degree of difficulty to another level—one where the technician needs proper training and equipment.