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福祿克提供了一系列精密的壓力校準設備,從15psi/1 bar到10,000 psi/690 bar精度的精確壓力測量,精度高達0.025%的滿量程精度。從壓力校驗儀到內置電動測試泵的校準器,應有盡有。它們易于使用,結構堅固可靠,并提供3年保修期。無論您是想校準壓力變送器、測試壓力開關、驗證過程儀表,還是氣體密閉輸送的應用,福祿克都有適合您的需求的壓力校準器。

產品詢價及預約演示 技術問題咨詢

  • Fluke 729 Pro Automatic Pressure Calibrator- 4

    Fluke 729Pro自動壓力校驗儀

    Fluke 729Pro 自動壓力校驗儀專為工藝技術人員設計,可簡化壓力校準流程,并提供更快速、更精確的測試結果。...

  • 730G智能數字壓力校驗儀


    福祿克新型730G 智能數字壓力校驗儀,自帶Hart 通訊功能,搭配壓力校驗泵,實現對壓力表、壓力開關、壓力變送器的高效、準確的測量和校驗;是計量研究院和企業建立壓力實驗室的智慧之選。...

  • Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator - 1

    Fluke 729 自動壓力校驗儀

    Fluke 729 自動壓力校準器專為工藝技術人員設計,可簡化壓力校準流程,并提供快速、精確的測試結果。...

  • Fluke 721 Precision Pressure Calibrator - 1

    Fluke 721 精密壓力校準器

    適用于壓力校準和溫度測量 Fluke 721 精密壓力校準器是適用于氣體密閉輸送應用的理想工具。...

  • Fluke 719Pro Electric Pressure Calibrator 1

    Fluke 719Pro 電動壓力校準器

    719Pro 包含一個功能完備的回路校準器,可以輸出、模擬和測量 mA 信號及實現更多功能,這使之成為校準高精度變送器、壓力開關和壓力表的理想工具。...

  • Fluke 719 Pressure Calibrator 1

    Fluke 719 便攜式自動壓力校驗儀

    Fluke 719 便攜式自動壓力校驗儀

  • Fluke 718 Pressure Calibrator 1

    Fluke 718 系列壓力校準器| 壓力校驗儀

    Fluke 718 壓力校準器/壓力校驗儀系列(包括 4 種型號)是專為變送器、儀表和開關打造的綜合壓力校準解決方案。...

  • Fluke 717 Pressure Calibrator

    Fluke 717 系列壓力校準器

    Fluke 717 壓力校準器擁有超群的性能、卓越的耐用性及優異的可靠性。

  • Fluke 700G Precision Pressure Gauge Calibrator

    Fluke 700G 系列便攜式壓力校驗/校準儀


  • 700A DPPM

    700A DPPM 雙口氣動壓力歧管

    Fluke 700A 雙口氣動壓力歧管(以下稱 “ 產品” 或 “ 歧管 ”)是一種便攜式歧管,帶有內部集水器,可實現高達10 MPa (1500 psi)...

  • P5543 Angle Adapter

    P5543 Angle Adapter

    The angle adapter uses the standard gauge adapters and positions the gauges at 90o. The maximum working pressure of this unit is 10,000 psi (700 bar)....

  • P5544 Two Gauge Stand

    P5544 Two Gauge Stand

    This adapter mounts directly to the test port of the calibrator and allows for the calibration of two instruments at the same time or the connection of a reference test instrument....

  • P5551 Pointer Remover/Punch

    P5551 Pointer Remover-Punch

    This tool is designed to quickly remove and consistently refit the pointer of a pressure gauge.

  • Fluke 700PCK Pressure Module Calibration Kit

    Fluke 700PCK 壓力校準套件

    The Fluke 700PCK makes it possible to calibrate your pressure modules at your facility using your own precision pressure standards....

  • Fluke TL80A Basic Electronic Test Lead Kit -1

    TL80A 基本電氣測試線組

    Test leads are an integral part of the complete measurement system and extend the capabilities of your digital multimeter. The TL80A Basic Electronic Test Lead Kit has the fundamental accessories for testing electronics. ...

  • 700HPPK 1


    福祿克計量校準部的700HPPK氣壓測試泵套件可產生和調節高達21 MPa (3000...